In Shizuoka Prefecture, aiming to promote the integration of the food-related industry has been promoting the food science Hills Project.

Blessed Regional Resources

We use abundant local resources and support the development of high added-value foods with the aims of promoting and developing a concentration of food-related industries.

megumiA temperate climate
A highly varied topography
Abundant fishing grounds
Advanced food processing technologies

megumi2★Tea (unrefined): Output value (ranked No.1 in Japan)
★Green horseradish (wasabi):Output value (ranked No.1 in Japan)
★Bonito: Volume of fish catches(ranked No.1 in Japan)

Concentration of Food-related Industries

The value of shipped manufactured goods and added value in the food and beverage industries are the highest in the country.
Shizuoka Prefecture is a hub of food-related industries.

Knowledge Foundations in Shizuoka

There are many universities and research institutes in Shizuoka Prefecture that have achieved outstanding research results in the food product and life science fields.

★University of Shizuoka
★Shizuoka University
★Tokai University
★Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture
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