In Shizuoka Prefecture, aiming to promote the integration of the food-related industry has been promoting the food science Hills Project.

Second Strategic Plan

Food Science Hills project Second Strategic Plan

To advance the various accomplishments previously achieved, Shizuoka Prefecture is implementing the Food Science Hills Project Second Strategic Plan (FY 2015-2019).

Basic Objective

◆ Invigoration of food-related industries
→ Economic development in Shizuoka Prefecture
→ Contributing to Better Health for all the World’s People

Development of Measures

◆ Supporting development, Production, and sale of high added-value food products using regional resources


◆ Creating excellent functional foods with scientific basis
◆ Acquisition of external and internal markets

Organizational chart


Five Strategies

Strategy 1: Research and Development

“Promotion of research and development”

Strategy 2: Product Development

“Development of products such as high added value foods”

Strategy 3: Promotion and Marketing

“Reinforcement of marketing strategies and sales strategies”

Strategy 4: Human Resource Development

“Development of human resources for food related industries”

Strategy 5: Convey

“Dissemination of food information”


Strategic Plan and Targets

Classification Specific theme Numerical targets
Strategy1 Number of food product-related research programs through
industry-academia-government collaboration
Number of human intervention trials conducted 50
Strategy2 Number of businesses launched (number of products marked) 100
Strategy3 Number of sales promotion and support projects 300
Strategy4 Development of human resources through industry-academia-government collaboration 130
Strategy5 Number of companies requesting provision of information from the Food Science Center 750
Total added value of food products and beverages ¥1 trillion
National ranking of total shipment value of food products and beverages No.1
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